Nick Krauser 16th July 2019
I wrote about the man in my books, I sat down with him over a beer and talked game and I went out with him plenty of times. I saw him in action: Tony knows what he is talking about and what he is doing.
Nick Krauser 16th July 2019
I wrote about the man in my books, I sat down with him over a beer and talked game and I went out with him plenty of times. I saw him in action: Tony knows what he is talking about and what he is doing.
Space Hustle 16th July 2019
I was member of the original Hustler Elite and did a fair amount of the SDLs you have seen online. My game was ok, but my issue was that I couldn't do SDLs - it was like a mental block. I just couldn't get it into my head that you can pull girls during the day. Tony forced me literally to do it and once I had succeed a couple of times, it was like somebody had removed a blocker. I have never looked back and have seduced some of the hottest girls around London since then. I think it's a life changing experience if you dedicate yourself to it. Highly recommend it. P.S. I am the guy in the Bollywood video above.
Hustlehoff 20th May 2020
Clearly, the best material out there and clearly the most effective system available. I have read and studied every single book in detail and the value you get for your money is huge. Just look at my results, the Hustler Elite results and at Tony's personal results and compare them to everything else that's out there. It's just orders of magnitude better than the next best thing out there.
Mr S. 21st March 2018
I was in the Hustler Elite for 9 months. I decided to go with the Hustler Elite after I saw Tony's videos. The mindset shift I went through from watching the videos all the way to becoming a Hustler Elite was insane. It elevated my game from decent to phenomenal and the girls I closed were consistenly 8 and above. The videos are pure gold and Tony's explanations are priceless. Watch the Russian Supermodel video - one of the best nights I ever had with Tony. Well, it was London Fashion week. It doesn't get much better than that in the world.
Same Day Dave 23rd December 2019
I am German and attended a bootcamp with Tony in Munich. I had never approached until I did the bootcamp with Tony - other Hustler Elite members where there as well, but Tony was teaching me. The first 5 appraoches were awful and then Tony told me a couple to things. A few minutes later I was on an instant date and eventually pulled this girl home. It was literally my 2nd or 3rd approach. The experience was unreal - Tony was amazing at coaching me. He called me during the instant date and gave instructions. It was very surreal - highly recommend it. Do it now when it's available rather than later. You won't regret it. I think there is a video of my approach on YouTube. Something like Student Gets SDL on 1st Approach or the alike. Anyway, you should find it on Tony's channel.
Gringo 9th June 2020
Like many, I first came across Tony's videos on YouTube and then decided to sign up to the Hustler Club and the Daygame Basics Bootcamp. It completely shifted my view on women and what it takes to get laid, frankly. I then was trained by Tony in Rio de Janeiro and that took it to another level. There are a couple of videos of Tony and myself on the Hustler Club and YouTube. Tony is the real deal if you really want to change and have success with women.
Johnny F. 9th January 2020
I recenlty had a Skype call with Tony and bought the Diamond Hustler bundle. The feedback I got was phenomenal. After that I immedaitely decided to sign up to the Hustler Elite. I think I got one of the last seats for this year with Tony - the progress I made since I got the books has already been amazing and I can only imagine where I will be in 9 months time.
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